Make Learning Easier

Transform any piece of information into high quality notes.

Save time by making your information more concise and readable, without losing context or details.

Generate Perfect Notes

With SummariseMe you can turn any piece of information into perfectly crafted notes you can rely on.

1. Extremely Detailed

All key details such as events, names, dates, quotes, locations, concepts, figures, definitions and more are captured.Your notes will be so detailed, referencing the original information will not be required.

2. Expertly Structured

Perfectly organised with headings, subheadings, bullet points, tables, bolded, quotations, underlined and more.Making your detailed notes extremely readable and coherent.

3. Highly Accurate

Notes generated are sourced from your information ONLY.We use several methods to reduce the chance of hallucinations, providing a trustworthy output.

What try SummariseMe?

  • Turn text dense documents, transcript and more into structured and readable notes

  • Lengthy videos, podcasts are turned into succinct and faster to read in-depth notes (a 23 minute video can turn into a 4 minute read)

  • Highly accurate by referencing only your information

  • Use your generated notes to create high quality study material such as flashcards

Supported Formats

  • PDFs, Word Documents, Text Files

  • (Coming Very Soon) Youtube Videos

  • (Coming Soon) Digital Books (EPUB, MOBI)

  • (Coming Soon) Podcasts

Use Cases

Make Scientific Papers more readable

Transform dense pages of text into structured, detailed and most importantly more readable notes. Paper Link

  • All key facts and figures preserved and extracted

  • We managed an average 42% reduction in words, without losing any key information in this paper (Condensing 1055 words Into 618 words)

Turn Youtube videos into knowledge

We transcribe the video and turn the unstructured and information dense transcript, into a detailed and structured set of notes, broken down into relevant headings with all key information extracted. Video Link

  • Extract every key piece of information, turn watching educational content into usable knowledge

  • This 23 minute video becomes a 4 minute read, which includes all key points

  • Our methods resulted in a 79% reduction in words (Condensing 4702 words Into 968 words)

Isn't this just another summary tool?

Advantage of Summaries

AI summary tools are good, when you only need a shallow understanding of the information. Great for a quick overview on key talking points, not so great when you actually want to learn the information.This is where summaries fall down.If you're after the finer details, in other words, information that you can actually use to study or learn more in-depth that's where SummariseMe comes in.

Advantage of Detailed Notes

Extract all important & key pieces of information from any given text, allowing you to rely solely on the notes generated.The perfect companion for studying and retaining information from books, to videos to research papers and more.You can take these detailed notes and create high quality flashcards, mind maps and more.

Our approach

It's all about iteration and fine-tuned models, which is why we use several steps to generate outputs.

  • Iterative approach to ensure extremely high accuracy, with validation throughout

  • Chain of density to understand your text at the core, identifying correct entities, relationships, themes and more

  • Chain of thought ensuring all details are accurately and correctly captured, with missing information incorporated before the final output is produced

  • We leverage multiple-models at different process stages to ensure we output only the most accurate and useful notes

Our processes and output first and foremost, by design, MUST include all relevant information.So, if there's a lot of detail in your text, the output can and will only be reduced by a certain amount.That is why we will not guarantee a set length for the notes we output, as our goal is to extract every last detail.

Note: the above approach is subject to change, as we are constantly refining our process to deliver the most accurate, structured and detailed notes.

So if you're after a quick summary, we recommend ChatGPT, Claude or even Gemini, if you're after quality, detailed and structured notes on your information, give SummariseMe a go.


Free while we're still in BETA.Join our waiting list to give SummariseMe a go.



- Advanced Note Generation
- Manually Create / Edit Notes
- Generate High Quality Flashcards (coming soon)
- Import / Export (coming soon)



Coming Soon

Everything in free tier plus..
- Greater Control Over Note Generation
- Advanced and Customisable Flashcard Generation
- Chat With Feature
- Support more file types and more..

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